One of our AwesomeTravlers ( Kabelo Rashoalane) who has been on not one but two of our programs. We first sent him to Omni Mount Washington and then his second program he worked for a year in New Zealand. He sent us this incredible story of how he has been able to use the two opportunities given to him to better his life and it makes us incredibly proud!!
Hello Chris and awesome team.

You guys are the best thing that ever happened to me and the rest of
the young talented South Africans, you guys believed in us to achieve
greater things.

When you sent me to Omni Mt Washington with all the fees payed for, to
polish my skills I knew that was my breakthrough not for that year
but for my whole life. I managed to save lots of money to show
appreciation to my foster family, I built a four bed room house put
some furniture in it, managed to send money to my family every month.
What I am trying to say is you guys made a good impact in my life.

With your awesome team I managed to travel the world and be in places
I’ve never thought i would ever go to, made countless friends and learnt a
lot of things in life and in my career.

thank you for your time




